
Fassmer relies on in-house production – for the most effective path from the idea, construction and detailed plans right up to the finished product.

In their own production workshops, Fassmer has been advancing their procedures and processes over the years. Thus, the company never stops developing, from customer to customer, and from project to project.

From hand lay-up, RTM injection and vacuum infusion to wet press moulding / wet pressing: Fassmer is a leading expert for these four production technologies for fibre-composite components and assembly groups. Together with its customers and depending on the particular application, Fassmer makes an individual case-by-case decision as to which combination of shaping process and manufacturing process is most suited and effective for every single component.

The chosen production method depends on a number of different factors:

  • Component geometry
  • Requested mechanical properties and wall thickness
  • Weight
  • Tolerances
  • General requirements towards the component
  • Number of mass produced components